Sunday, November 23, 2008

'The economist', sobre Espanha, com uma pitada de Portugal

The best scenario for Spaniards is two years of anaemic growth, with wages losing value in real terms until the economy regains competitiveness. A recovery could begin in 2010—but not before the unemployment rate reaches an eye-watering 15%. A worse scenario is that Spain, unable to face the needed reforms, will settle into the type of long-term economic sclerosis suffered by European laggards such as Italy or Portugal.

(Para quem necessite de tradução:
laggard = looking exhausted and unwell, esp. from fatigue, worry, or suffering)

Uma visão bem contrastante com a visão Socrática de um Portugal-oásis. Porreiro pá! Estamos de tanga! É a vida... Para os distraídos, acabo de citar todos os primeiro ministro eleitos de Portugal desde 1985.

Artigo completo aqui
After the fiesta.

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